A high-accuracy, dual antenna steering solution for any speed on the farm, down to 0.05 mph (0.08 km/h).
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DualTrac Features

Ultra low speed

Performs at speeds as low as 0.05 mph (0.08 km/h).

Integrated autosteer

Pairs with SteerCommand® Z2 to provide high-performance, integrated hydraulic steering.

Reliable handling

The dual antenna design allows the system to maintain a stable heading, even when not in motion.

Sub-inch accuracy

Using RTK, TerraStar-X, or NTRIP to achieve sub-inch (less than 2.5 cm) accuracy.





Outputs radar speed

For other devices in the cab



Up to 20 Hz output


Ag specific

Rugged smart antenna


Integrated magnets and mounting plate with locating pins

Provides easy, repeatable mounting for easy vehicle transfer


LED diagnostics

For system monitoring

DualTrac advantages

When two Is better

DualTrac uses not one but two GPS 7500 receivers to provide the most accurate heading for autosteer as low as 0.05 mph (0.08 km/h).

Slow speed operations

Perfect for specialty crops, vegetables, fruits, transplanting, bedding, drip tape, and other slow speed field operations.

The farm at your fingertips

With AgFiniti, your entire operation is accessible anywhere, anytime you need it.

The farm at your fingertips

With AgFiniti, your entire operation is accessible anywhere, anytime you need it.

Downloads & Resources

GPS 7500 User Guide

View User Guide

GPS 7500 and DualTrac FAQ

View FAQ

DualTrac Startup Guide

View Startup Guide
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